Our studio center
Jaya Yoga is the ideal place to practice Yoga in the heart of Venice. We are located in Campo San Polo, number 2171. Our studio is dedicated to Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, and Holistic Events. The Yoga room has wood floors, high ceilings, and four large windows that bring in natural light.
Inside, you will find all that is necessary: mats, blankets, and props. The studio, heated in winter and cool in summer, also has changing rooms and toilets.
What are you waiting for? Come and experience the fun of practicing Yoga with us!
Our Classes
Our courses vary based on style, level, and level of difficulty. This allows each practitioner to find the perfect class for them, respecting their own body, aptitudes, and way of being.
All yoga classes are available at two levels: Basic, for those approaching the practice for the first time, and Multilevel, for those wishing to deepen the practice and evolve in the construction of positions (asanas).
Basic Level: suitable for beginners and students who want to deepen the fundamental aspects of the discipline. In these classes, the main postures are studied and executed. They are rich in indications on alignment and muscular actions. They introduce yoga by providing the basics for correct practice.
Multilevel: suitable for all levels of practice. In these classes, more complex postures than those offered in basic courses are also performed. Beginners will be guided in experimenting with more advanced positions, while more experienced practitioners can intensify their practice.
For more information about the courses and how to enroll in the classes, please send an email to info@veneziayoga.com
Yoga Classes
Anusara Yoga: a traditional approach with simple yet thorough exercises
In these classes, Yoga is leaned and performed according to tradition. The positions (asanas) are performed in a simple and yet thorough way, just as traditional Yoga requires. The movements are slow and ‘conscious’, and particular care is given to the alignment of the body in the execution of the asanas. This type of exercise helps develop calm, position awareness, and accuracy in execution. Here, participants find a place where they can dedicate themselves to themselves, releasing stress and improving their well-being. What we try to achieve by practicing Yoga in the traditional way is a state of balance between the energies of body and mind. Classes are suitable both for those who have already practiced other styles of Yoga, and for beginners.
Ashtanga Vinyasa: combining dynamic and static phases in fluid movements
The Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Course differs from other practices in how positions are performed, in a precise sequence, marked by the rhythm of breath. Movements (vinyasas) occur within the two respiratory phases, inhalation and exhalation, which connect the positions to each other. It starts with the basic sequence or the first series, then progresses to the intermediate and advanced sequences (A, B, and C). The practice always begins with sun salutations, which in Ashtanga Yoga come in two types: A and B. This is followed by other postures that vary according to the series. This type of practice encompasses all the most valid aspects of modern yoga styles; it is an effective and enjoyable way to practice.
Vinyasa Yoga: dynamic, quick, with intense muscular workout
In this type of class, all positions are performed in sequence, according to the rhythm of your breathing. This type of practice encompasses all the most valid aspects of modern Yoga styles, giving rise to an effective and enjoyable new form. Toning, fluidity, and position alignment are the key features of this Yoga style. The mind reaches a state of deep concentration, thanks to the synchrony of breathing and positions. The classes are very intense, a full-body workout: thorough but still within the world of aerobics.
Pilates Classes
Postural Pilates Method
Currently, more than five million people practice Pilates, a discipline that was first developed at the beginning of the 1900s by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. Pilates is a gymnastic activity that teaches correct posture, bringing greater harmony and fluidity to the body’s movements in general. The position and movement of each part of the body are extremely important, making the entire body move like an integrated system. Postural Pilates Method (PPM) is an approach that combines the traditional concepts of Pilates with the modern principles of postural disciplines, integrating their new knowledge, intuitions, and objectives. The classes are structured so as to be enjoyed by everyone, at all levels of experience. Detailed explanations accompany all exercises, making the practice easy and profitable right from the very first lesson. It is for this reason that the class is suitable both for beginners and experienced participants.
Met Pilates
This is a high intensity Pilates form. Through targeted aerobic and anaerobic training sessions, it stimulates the body in order to trigger certain physiological processes that burn body fat, with excellent results in terms of weight loss, toning, and health. The training is split into many short intensive classes that see a progressive increase in the workload. Therefore, those who practice Met Pilates will see an effective cut in body fat and consequent weight loss (general and localized), combined with increased strength, muscle resistance, and better postural balance.
Soft Pilates
These classes are designed for those who require a gentler approach to the discipline. All exercises are performed in a moderate but effective way. Particular attention in paid to the body’s articulations and to the postural aspects related to the discipline. Detailed explanations accompany all exercises, making the practice easy and profitable right from the very first lesson.
Our instructors are highly qualified and
hold internationally recognized certifications
Davide Majer
“I did not find Yoga: Yoga found me”. This is how I like to answer those who ask me how and why I began practicing this discipline. I received my instructor diploma after following intensive classes at the ashram of Villa Vrindavana near Florence, under the guidance of Jacopo Ceccarelli, and specializing in the Anukalana style. I then found it necessary to complete my formation by becoming instructor for Pregnancy Yoga and Post-partum Yoga as well.
Yoga Esperto di II livello
Esperto di I Livello
Yoga in Gravidanza e Postparto
Anukalana Yoga di II livello
Yoga Integrale di primo livello
Erika Mattio
After many years of competitive swimming and skiing, I first approached the role of instructor by holding a position as swimming and water aerobics instructor.
I later moved on to holding fitness activities (musical and aerobics) in various gyms. In recent years, I have specialized in Postural Exercise and, above all, in Pilates disciplines, which were love at first sight.
Alice Noè
Laura Mortini
Lorem Ipsum
Elisa Longo
Lorem Ipsum
Contact us
Phone: +39 3493795931
E-mail: info@veneziayoga.com
How to reach us
By walk: In the center of Campo San Polo, a large red building stands out on the right side: Palazzo Soranzo. The studio is located inside. The entrance door is the first of three at number 2171. You will find the name of the studio on the bell. Open Google Mas
By boat: It is very easy to get to San Polo from the San Tomà, San Silvestro, San Stae and Rialto Mercato stops.